
Week 3

Seems like it’s the short weeks that end up being the craziest. With everything that has been going on in the world, trying to stay focused on this website and what all I need to do for the Communication & Fundraising in Sport class has been especially challenging. Still, I think it’s good to have that kind of challenge at a time like this not just because it keeps me busy, but also it allows me to refine my ability to bring stability and security to an anxious population through my work.

Fundraising is a big part of the work that I do in my normal life, and it’s the subject that we have transitioned to in the course from communication. The importance of one over the other in running a nonprofit is comparable to the chicken and the egg: you can’t communicate effectively without having the proper resources which usually requires having funds, but you need to have the right message to get people to donate to you. So both concepts tend to complement each other quite well in my view.

The fundraising this class deals with is of course in the realm of sports, which could mean the athletic department of a higher-learning institution as mentioned specifically by Leonard (2012) in his textbook, but also recreational facilities such as the local YMCA. Despite the emphasis on sport, the items Leonard covers can be applied across organizations in the nonprofit sector. They do serve as a nice refresher, however, for best practices in fundraising.

A scheduling conflict led to the cancellation of the live discussion we were supposed to have so I instead ended up sharing my experiences of working with volunteers and how my current organization shows its appreciation for the work they do. I can show you an example of a social media post we did just this week to honor a young man who helped us out during COVID-19.

Horizons, A Family Service Alliance on Twitter

Even amid the great unrest that we as a society face right now, there is something satisfying about the work I am doing and I am more than happy to share in that with my fellow classmates, my community, and you, the reader.


Leonard, R. (2012). Fundraising for sport and athletics. Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology.